The availability is daily updated, displayed in each item's product detail page
and also in the basket.
The availability estimate on each item's product detail page refers only to
how long it will take that item to leave us once you place your order. It does
not include the time your order will take to reach you once we ship it. Shipping
time depends upon the shipping option you choose.
The following is a list of the different types of availability estimates for
items on Carpi Moto:
- In Stock : Products that are currently in stock in our warehouse.
- Ships in 5 days : We expect to receive the item from a
nearby distributor within 5 days of your order.
- Ships in 6-10 business days : We expect to receive the
item from a nearby distributor within 6 to 10 days of your order.
- Ships in 8-12 business days : We expect to receive the
item from a nearby distributor within 8 to 12 days of your order.
- TBA : To Be Announced: the latest release date information
that we have for the item will be on its product detail page, if it is not
specified is because it is not possible to estimate.
- Ships in 5 days : We expect to receive the item from a
nearby producer within 5 days of your order, this part is produced only on
- Until Stock lasts : We will do everything we can to get
your order to you in as timely a manner as possible. If the item listed as
out of stock has been discontinued, we will notify you of this by email and
cancel your order immediately.
- Arriving : We expect to receive the item from a nearby
producer in a few days. First come, first served: if you want to order don't
- On Demand : This part is produced or supplied only on demand,
and until it is not ordered we can't know how long it takes to arrive.
- Not Available : This product is currently not available for ordering, and we don't know when or if this item will be in stock again. Right now you can't purchase this item.
- Sold Out : This product is currently not available for
ordering or discontinued, and we don't know when or if this item will be in
stock again.
If your order contains unavailable or custom made products, don't mind, you
can follow day by day every step of your order using "My Orders" section
in your "MyCarpiMoto".
Carpi Moto ships in one solution once every item is in stock. Extremely urgent
parts can be shipped separately on demand, paying an extra delivery charge.